
注意: The information contained on this page is for general purposes only. Please consult with an academic advisor for specific recommendations appropriate to your individual situation.

Am I matriculated?
You are a matriculated student if you have been formally accepted for admission to the college, have registered in a major or designated program, and are pursuing courses toward a degree or certificate. You will lose matriculated status if you do not enroll for more than two terms.

Do I have to complete my degree within a certain amount of time?
Requirements for degree completion are based on those stated in the catalog for the year you matriculate in a specific program. You will have a maximum of five (5) years from the date of matriculation to complete a degree based on those requirements. After the five (5) year limitation, requirements for all programs convert to those cited in the most current catalog. You may opt for the current catalog requirements at any time.

What is my Advisor Verification Number (AVN)?
An AVN is an individually assigned clearance number given to you to allow you to schedule courses for an upcoming semester through Hudson Valley 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》杂志. You can obtain your AVN after speaking with your advisor about the courses that you intend to take.

Why do I need to speak with an advisor in order to receive an AVN number for scheduling?
Many students are very diligent in tracking their progress toward their degree and feel very confident that they are ready to schedule their next semester's courses without the assistance of an advisor. Even with very diligent students, an advisor can assist students in clarifying their educational and career goals to insure future success. 也, there often are important, timely program or procedural details that an advisor can relay to you.

Am I assigned an advisor or can I choose one?
While each advisor has sufficient training and knowledge to advise for any business degree program, they also have particular areas of expertise. Our office staff is trained to listen to the questions you may have and put you in contact with the advisor who can best help you. If you prefer a specific advisor for all of your advisement visits and appointments, we will be glad to accommodate you whenever possible.

Why do I have to go to my advisor to change my classes during the first week of classes (Add/Drop Period)?
Once classes begin, any change in credit load or course work could affect your tuition bill, financial aid eligibility, and tuition reimbursement. By asking you to work directly with your advisor, the college can better assist you in these areas.


Business Advisement Center
Brahan Hall, Room 205
Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed